Cupcake Girl

I don’t particularly like cupcakes much but I still stop in to Kara’s Cupcakes once in a while just to see Cupcake Girl’s amazing smile. I don’t know her name and have never had occasion to introduce myself so she’s Cupcake Girl for now. Maybe it’s even better that we don’t spoil it with names. Friends joke that I’ve got a cupcake-girl-crush. Perhaps. But more than that is the purely human connection one can make with the simple kindness of a genuine smile. Whenever I see Cupcake Girl’s smile it always brightens my day. No matter how crazy busy it gets in the shop–and it does–she always has her radiant smile. I imagine that it must become tiresome to keep that smile on all day, so either she’s an amazing actress or it comes from an irrepressible joy from within. I like to think it’s the latter. Without agenda or expectation it’s nice to know that I can count on a bit of sunshine from Cupcake Girl.
I should mention, I find that everyone I’ve ever seen behind the counter at Kara’s has had a wonderful smile for their customers. So smile. Smile more often. You never know how you’ll brighten up someone else’s day.