One Life Can

Destined for Greatness

“I know that you are destined for greatness.” SZ said that to me many years ago and it has always fueled me to try to live up to my potential and to earn that faith he has in me. SZ is one of those I call my brother. He told me once that being friends […]

All That Is Good

You ever meet someone who was so pure and good that the idea of them ever having any malice in their heart or doing anything other than what is right is unfathomable? Someone who gives you faith and hope that the vast majority in this world mean well and have good intentions? For me, that’s […]

Fostering a Stranger

Ah, PJ. Probably the brother I can be the silliest with. No, seriously. We can be quite juvenile with our shenanigans. We’ve had pranks involving birthday cakes, salt water ice cubes and haunted barns. We became friends first because of the school plays. Then there were the late nights playing billiards and hitting up Denny’s […]

You Want Some Grapes?

I am a Kuya. That translates to older brother but its meaning goes far deeper than that. It carries with it duty, obligation and a responsibility to family. It is the most fulfilling part of my life but it can also be the most demanding. JP was the first person who I could finally look […]

Incite the Makers of Movements

There it was. Five words had brought into focus what it was that had driven the past 20 years of fighting to change the way we inspire and challenge our children to learn.