Mindful Act of Kindness – Throw an Ice Cream Party for Some Kids

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream! I don’t trust anyone who doesn’t like ice cream as a general rule and it’s served me well. Yes, even people who are lactose intolerant wish they could have ice cream, they just can’t. So they’re alright by me. Surprise your child’s classroom with an ice cream party. Make it a sundae buffet–hey, that rhymed–so the kids can have some fun making their own sundaes. Yes, it will make it messy and gooey and just generally chaotic but that’s part of the fun. You’ll soon have a mob of little ones grinning ear-to-ear. Try to find some lactose free options for the little ones whose little tummies can’t take the milk. There really are some nice soy and almond milk options these days. Sorbets are good too. If you really want to go the extra mile, pick up a Yonanas:
You’ll marvel at how much they really do taste and feel like frozen yogurt. Try frozen berries in addition to the bananas. You’re welcome.
Don’t have kids yourself? Partner up with your local fire station as in addition to their brave work, firefighters do a lot of charity work with kids. Where do you think all that calendar money goes?