Mindful Act of Kindness – Let a Car Merge in Front of You in Traffic

I heard a beautiful perspective from a cabbie once in Las Vegas. Yes, Las Vegas cabbies are very helpful and nice. He told me that he never got upset when someone cut him off because his perspective was that if they were able to get in front of him safely, then they had every right to get in front of him. Perhaps that cabbie was a bit more evolved than a lot of those road ragers out there but that conversation always stuck with me. A study once showed that in a 60-80 minute commute constant lane-changing only saves you only 2-4 minutes. So take a deep breath, relax, and let someone merge in front of you without getting upset. You’re not going to gain much by speeding up and keeping them from merging and you’ll help reduce to the overall stress horrendous traffic brings.