One Life Can

Category: Stories

My Uncle. My Hero

When we found out that our Uncle was dying, there was a grave silence among our family members. He was such a happy man. He was the one who was always present in our household when my father had to go and work overseas. He was a very supportive, jolly man. Our mornings were always […]

Esther, our smiling angel.

Five years ago, my aunt gave birth to a baby with Down syndrome. She knew life will be challenging the moment she saw her baby. But she was wrong because her life was changed for the better because of this baby. The baby was named Esther. Esther was a happy child. She would smile at […]

If you want it, you’ll find a way.

One day, my 7 year old sister came home from school and wanted me to take her to the bookstore to get books on sign language. I asked her what is it for. She told me that there was this new kid at school who was deaf and she would like to befriend him because […]

Cupcake Girl

I don’t particularly like cupcakes much but I still stop in to Kara’s Cupcakes once in a while just to see Cupcake Girl’s amazing smile. I don’t know her name and have never had occasion to introduce myself so she’s Cupcake Girl for now. Maybe it’s even better that we don’t spoil it with names. […]

My Funny Valentine

My friend, ML, and I have spent many a sleepless night together. Get your minds out of the gutter. She was my study buddy in college. We were both in very demanding majors and had an insane course load. It seemed like our studies were never ending. But in ML I found a rare kinship…a […]